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Toni Tompkins


"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Galatians 5:1

From time to time I find myself trapped in a place where I know I don't belong. Just recently it was a place of seclusion. A strong belief that I didn't belong in the places God called me to. A nagging lie that said I wasn't capable or qualified to use the gifts God placed in me to do his work. None of it true, but somehow the schemes of the enemy had me trapped in a place I was free to leave, but somehow couldn't manage to walk away from.

Has this ever been your story? Stuck in a place that you know Christ has delivered you from. Free to walk away, but something continues to hold you back? What is that place for you? 

I am grateful today that the Spirit of God works daily to free me from such places. Places where the enemy attempts to keep me trapped with lies born from pain and sin. This is the freedom that our relationship with God provides. Because of Christ, we are liberate from the damage of this fallen world. Our minds are constantly being renewed and restored by God's grace and mercy!

Today I am moving forward past the tricks of the enemy. I'm using my freedom in Christ to leave those places I no longer belong! I'm moving forward in my calling and purpose believing and trusting God that the gifts he placed in me will carry me through every assignment I am given.

How do you need to exercise your freedom in Christ today? What has you believing you are trapped when in reality you have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to get up and walk away?


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