Finding God in the Details
Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?
- 2 Cor 13:5
The Examen: A Gentle Practice for Noticing God’s Presence
What is the Examen?
The Examen is a reflective practice for noticing God’s work within you and in the world around you. It helps you create space to connect with God in the everyday moments of life.​
Why Practice the Examen?
The Examen invites you to recognize God’s presence in the details of your daily life. It answers the question many have: “Where is God?” Through this practice, you learn that God is always with you, even in the busyness and complexity of life. By slowing down and reflecting, The Examen helps you become more aware of God’s presence in every moment.
The Examen helps you to:
• Notice what is going well and where you may be struggling, appreciating the balance in your life.
• Discern the difference between who you are in Christ and who you sometimes try to be in the world.
• Discover patterns and meaning in the insignificant things of life.
• Acknowledge your true feelings and the authentic needs hidden in those feelings.
• See the purpose God has placed within you.
• Uncover area of your life to bring before the Lord in prayer.
Practicing the Examen
Before you begin, prepare your heart and create a quiet space. You may wish to light a candle as a symbol of the Spirit’s presence. Take a few deep breaths, focusing on God’s unconditional love. When you’re ready, follow these steps:
1. Seek the Spirit’s Help: Ask for the wisdom to discern God’s voice and guidance. Invite the Holy Spirit to uncover both the visible and hidden ways God is moving in your life.
2. Give Thanks: Reflect on the gifts God has given you today. Ask the Spirit to reveal both the seen and unseen blessings in your life.
3. Review the Day: Look back over your day with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Where did you notice God’s presence? Where did you miss it? Ask the Spirit to show you areas of sin, growth, or transformation that require your attention.
4. Ask for Forgiveness and Healing: If you find areas of sin or mistakes, ask God for forgiveness and healing. Receive God’s grace and love, allowing yourself to move forward in freedom.
5. Pray for the Day Ahead: Lift up the coming day to God. Ask for guidance, strength, and support in areas where you may face challenges or need clarity.
A Companion for Your Examen Journey
We’re offering this 3-Week Journey Guide as a gift to help you explore the spiritual practice of The Examen. This guide introduces you to the practice and gives practical steps to help you notice God’s presence in your daily life. Whether you’re new to The Examen or seeking a fresh way to connect with God, this guide provides a path for growth and renewal.
To receive your free copy, simply provide your email address and click 'Get the Guide.' Once you submit the form, a download link will appear, allowing you to access the guide immediately. This guide is our way of supporting you in creating space to notice God’s presence and deepen your relationship with the Divine.